Reflections on the day

A few thoughts from our stakeholders

"It was a pleasure to be involved in the innovation day. Too often we find ourselves caught up with day-to-day delivery and it can be hard to create space to think differently.

The innovation day was a fantastic way to bring in fresh perspectives, practice our online collaboration techniques, and test out a new approach to tackling complex challenges.

We’re all looking forward to seeing how we cChief Partner Officer ur future work."

Rachel Clarkson

Director SPBNSW


"What an unexpected, collaborative day filled with thoughtfulness and delivered at a high bar by super-smart people.

There were such strong ideas generated by the client teams with real-world potential. I loved the level of technical application and especially the coding.

I am looking forward to these solutions being progressed into a proof of concept and ultimately production."

Rachel Bondi

Chief Partner Officer


"The need for action on climate change is more evident day by day. We are all part of the problem through the greenhouse gas emissions we produce. The challenge is whether we can all be part of the solution.

This innovation day was a great example of how a bunch of sharp minds and some cutting edge technology can rapidly generate prototypes of approaches that help people simply and easily be part of the solutions: removing barriers to action."

Mark Howden

Director, Climate Change Institute